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Take a deeper dive into the science and details of a variety of natural health topics.

Recipe: Celery and Kale Soup
Nutrition Cayley Byars Nutrition Cayley Byars

Recipe: Celery and Kale Soup

Flavor and nutrition galore are packed into this wonderful soup featuring crisp celery and chopped baby kale. Prepare with or without chicken, using vegetable or chicken broth. Serve with a hearty, crusty bread for dipping your favorite breadstick. Great for lunch, dinner, or an appetizer on a chilly day.

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Holistic Medicine and Your Pets
Cayley Byars Cayley Byars

Holistic Medicine and Your Pets

Just like people have a choice in healthcare, today's pet owner has the option to choose holistic veterinary medicine (HVM) instead of, or in conjunction with, conventional veterinary medical care. This article provides an overview of HVM, helping you determine if this type of care is the right choice for you and your pet.

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Support for Natural Detox with Andrographis
Wellness Cayley Byars Wellness Cayley Byars

Support for Natural Detox with Andrographis

While fasting, the body has the opportunity to flush out toxins that it may have been sluggishly trying to move out through respiration, excretion, sweating and other innate physiological processes. This can temporarily increase activity on the organs of detoxification, particularly the liver. To support this increased activity and to bolster immunity, holistic practitioners may suggest taking Andrographis.

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Can an Enema be of Benefit to You?
Cayley Byars Cayley Byars

Can an Enema be of Benefit to You?

Since ancient times, there have been various methods described to cleanse the internal organs of digestion and elimination. Yes, even our ancestors understood that a well-maintained and properly functioning gastrointestinal system is essential to good health and well-being. An enema is a simple and gentle procedure used in holistic medicine to address GI problems (such as constipation) and to support the body's innate detoxification processes.

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Nutrition Cayley Byars Nutrition Cayley Byars


During fasting, each person responds differently to the mental and physical challenge of refraining from eating-especially in the beginning or when a person is fasting for the first time. One person may feel just fine; not bothered by hunger pangs, loss of energy or fluctuations in energy, and may remain focussed and alert. Other people will struggle with hunger cues, cravings, feeling lethargic, and become focused on the absence of food. L-Tyrosine (Tyrosine) is one of the nutritional supplements that can help support the body as it goes through adjustments in a fast.

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Celery Brings a Crisp, Strong Flavor to Meals
Cayley Byars Cayley Byars

Celery Brings a Crisp, Strong Flavor to Meals

Celery (Apium graveolens) is a biennial plant with pinnate, feathery leaflets and aromatic seeds. Commonly found in marshy, salty soils in coastal Europe and temperate Asia, celery was originally harvested for its strong-flavored leaves for culinary use.

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Coriander or Cilantro?
Nutrition Cayley Byars Nutrition Cayley Byars

Coriander or Cilantro?

Cilantro and coriander come from the same plant species Coriandrum sativum. In different parts of the world, the very same plant-with its many health benefits-is referred to differently.

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Toxic Mold Syndrome: Is Your Health at Risk?
Wellness Cayley Byars Wellness Cayley Byars

Toxic Mold Syndrome: Is Your Health at Risk?

In fact, toxic mold syndrome (TMS) is more common than you may think. It's a source of illness that is often underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Medically speaking, TMS is an inflammatory illness caused by exposure to indoor molds, their harmful by-products, and other microbial toxins that form in water-damaged buildings. Symptoms of TMS can be exclusively physical or mental/emotional.

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Can Nutrient IV Therapy Benefit Me?
Wellness Cayley Byars Wellness Cayley Byars

Can Nutrient IV Therapy Benefit Me?

You may have heard about Nutrient IV Therapy during this past year, particularly in regard to nutrients that are known to support the immune system. Delivering nutrients via an intravenous line (IV) has long been a crucial part of medical care.

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Portobello Mushroom: Nutrient Powerhouse
Nutrition Cayley Byars Nutrition Cayley Byars

Portobello Mushroom: Nutrient Powerhouse

If you have the notion that not much goes on inside a mushroom, then we've got a surprise for you! Like humans, mushrooms convert sunlight into a usable form of Vitamin D, which aids in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, essential minerals for bone health and strength.

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Get Creative with Circuit Training
Wellness Cayley Byars Wellness Cayley Byars

Get Creative with Circuit Training

Whether you've been working out in a home gym or have been able to go back to a local fitness center, it's inevitable that, at some point, you'll get bored with your exercise routine. This is where circuit training comes in, inspiring creativity in your routine and putting the mojo back in your motivation.

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Apricots are Awesome!
Nutrition Cayley Byars Nutrition Cayley Byars

Apricots are Awesome!

Apricots are a yellowish-orange fleshy fruit enclosed in an edible outer skin that is softly fuzzy. A serving size of 100 grams of fresh apricots provides you with several nutrients, most notably vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, and potassium. Apricots are naturally high in antioxidants, which protect our cells against environmental damage from sunlight, pollution, and toxins such as cigarette smoke. Antioxidants, along with the beta-carotene in apricots, may benefit your skin by lowering your risk of wrinkles and sunburn.

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Nature's Remedy Just Beyond Your Front Door
Wellness Cayley Byars Wellness Cayley Byars

Nature's Remedy Just Beyond Your Front Door

Compelling scientific evidence shows the less time children and adults spend in nature, the greater the detriment to our well-being. Here's a closer look at "nature-deficit disorder" and the health benefits of being out in the natural world.

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Fasting Part 1: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times
Wellness Cayley Byars Wellness Cayley Byars

Fasting Part 1: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times

Have you wondered what's behind all the renewed scientific interest in fasting? It may surprise you to learn that fasting is thought to be among one of the oldest therapeutic methods. From the ancient to the modern yogis, from Plato and Socrates to Hippocrates, fasting has been regarded as a curative and rejuvenative health measure. In fact, in recorded scientific history it is noted that humans (and most animal species) instinctively stopped eating when ill and abstained from food until health was restored. So what is fasting and how can it help support your health?

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Myofascial Release
Wellness Cayley Byars Wellness Cayley Byars

Myofascial Release

Fascia is a specialized system of the body that covers and interpenetrates muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, and many internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord. This fascial system is not just a linkage of coverings. It is actually one continuous structure that exists from head to toe without interruption. The fascia, then, connects each part of your body to every other part.

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