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Healing is possible, and you’re worth the work.

Whether you’ve been told before that there was nothing wrong or no other options for healing or whether you have felt hopeless after years of not feeling your best, I’m here to tell you there is hope and healing is possible. Our bodies are amazing and complex systems that are made to heal. With the right tools, we can support our natural healing capabilities.



Naturopathic Health Consultations

Utilizing the principles of Naturopathic Medicine, our health consultations include optimizing your sleep, diet, movement, detoxification/elimination, hydration, and stress management. While disease can have many causes, chronic diseases are most commonly a result of poor lifestyle.

We work with you to stimulate and support your body’s natural healing abilities with both health promoting and disease prevention practices. Diagnostic testing and imaging may be ordered depending on your situation and a comprehensive health plan consisting of evidence based treatments will be developed based on your unique needs.

What’s included:

  • In Person and Virtual appointments available.

  • Each new patient intake will include a comprehensive history taking and an individualized health plan. Initial visits are usually 60minutes while follow-ups run around 30minutes long.

  • Access to a private patient portal and ongoing support from our staff and your provider.



Pediatric Consultations.

Naturopathic pediatric consultations can offer a unique expertise on establishing a strong foundation of health for your child. During your initial visit, the intake will involve assessing physical, mental, emotional, environmental, and social determinants of health starting from the prenatal period to the present. From here, you and the Naturopathic Pediatrician are a team, working together to address any ongoing concerns and health needs of your ever evolving little ones. While it can be common to have many health conditions arise throughout childhood, your Naturopathic Pediatrician can help to guide and support you in keeping your child as health and happy as possible both in childhood and into adulthood.

What’s included:

  • Establishing care involves a comprehensive health history intake during the initial visit, which usually runs about 60minutes long.

  • Follow-up visits are usually 30minutes and can be utilized to address any acute health concerns or check in on the development of your child.

  • Access to a private patient portal and ongoing support from our staff and your provider.

What They’re Saying

“The results after just one PRP facial were so amazing, I couldn’t wait for my second procedure. Even my family noticed how much brighter and smoother my skin was!”


“After getting off the birth control pill, which I had been on since I was 16, my cycle was all over the place. Within just two visits, my cycle was improving and I wasn’t having nearly as many symptoms. I still have a ways to go, but I feel confident with my plan and am so happy we are addressing the root cause and not just putting another bandaid on my symptoms.” 


“I had been having sleep issues and uncontrolled weight gain and fatigue for over a year. After 6 months, I was sleeping through the night and feeling more energized and motivated to move my body regularly. I’ve already lost 10lbs and am excited to continue my exercise plan.”